Aprendo en Línea Ministerio de Educación Chile

Meteors: Crash Course Astronomy #23

Today Phil helps keep you from ticking off an astronomer in your life by making sure you know the difference between a meteor, meteorite, and meteoroid. When the Earth plows through the stream emitted by a comet we get a meteor shower. Meteors burn up about 100 km above the Earth, but some survive to hit the ground. Most of these meteorites are rocky, some are metallic, and a few are a mix of the two. Very big meteorites can be a very big problem, but there are plans in the works to prevent us from going the way of the dinosaurs. Meteorite Links: Aerolite Meteorites, Inc.: http://www.aerolite.org/ Big Kahuna Meteorites: http://bigkahuna-meteorites.com/ Arizona Skies Meteorites: http://www.arizonaskiesmeteorites.com/

CN1M OA 15

Describir y comparar diversas estructuras cósmicas, como meteoros, asteroides, cometas, satélites, planetas, estrellas, nebulosas, galaxias y cúmulo de galaxias, considerando:

  • Sus tamaños y formas.
  • Sus posiciones en el espacio.
  • Temperatura, masa, color y magnitud, entre otros.

Curso: 1° Medio

Asignatura EG: Ciencias Naturales

Tipo: Videos

Colección: Youtube: CURRICULUM MINEDUC