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How the Normans changed the history of Europe - Mark Robinson

Check out our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/teded View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-the-normans-changed-the-history-of-europe-mark-robinson In the year 1066, 7,000 Norman infantry and knights sailed in warships across the English Channel. Their target: England, home to more than a million people. Around the same period of time, other groups of Normans were setting forth all across Europe. Who were these warriors, and how did they leave their mark so far and wide? Mark Robinson shares a brief history of the Normans. Lesson by Mark Robinson, directed by Echo Bridge. Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Ryohky Araya, vivian james, Tan YH, Brittiny Elman, Mayra Urbano, Ruth Fang, Kostadin Mandulov, Alex Schenkman, Ivan Todorović, Antero Semi, Yanuar Ashari, Mrinalini, Anthony Kudolo, Scott Gass, Querida Owens, Hazel Lam, Manav parmar, Dwight Tevuk, Siamak H, Dominik Kugelmann, Mary Sawyer, David Rosario, Samuel Doerle, Susan Herder, Savannah Scheelings, Prasanth Mathialagan, Yanira Santamaria, Dawn Jordan, Constantin Salagor, Activated Classroom Teaching, Kevin Wong, Umar Farooq, Goh Xiang Ting Diana, Dmitry Neverov, Cristóbal Medina Moenne, MJ Tan Mingjie, Yansong Li, Jason A Saslow, Joanne Luce, Henry Li, Kyle Nguyen, Taylor Hunter, Noa Shore, Lex Azevedo, and Merit Gamertsfelder.

HI07 OA 09

Explicar que la civilización europea se conforma a partir de la fragmentación de la unidad imperial de occidente y la confluencia de las tradiciones grecorromana, judeocristiana y germana, e identificar a la Iglesia Católica como el elemento que articuló esta síntesis y que legitimó el poder político.

Tipo: Videos

Curso: 7° básico

Asignatura EG: Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales

Colección: Youtube: CURRICULUM MINEDUC