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The myth of Icarus and Daedalus - Amy Adkins

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-myth-of-icarus-and-daedalus-amy-adkins In mythological ancient Greece, Icarus flew above Crete on wings made from wax and feathers, defying the laws of man and nature. To witnesses on the ground, he looked like a god, and he felt like one too. But, in his society, the line that separated god from man was absolute, and the punishment for mortals who attempted to cross it was severe. Amy Adkins explains the myth of Icarus and Daedalus. Lesson by Amy Adkins, animation by TED-Ed.

HI07 OA 08

Analizar, apoyándose en fuentes, el canon cultural que se constituyó en la Antigüedad clásica, considerando la centralidad del ser humano y la influencia de esta cultura en diversos aspectos de las sociedades del presente (por ejemplo, escritura alfabética, filosofía, ciencias, historia, noción de sujeto de derecho, relaciones de género, ideal de belleza, deporte, teatro, poesía y artes, entre otros).

Tipo: Videos

Curso: 7° básico

Asignatura EG: Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales

Colección: Youtube: CURRICULUM MINEDUC